Student’s Responsibility to the Band
As members of this organization, you have a great deal of responsibility. It is essential to any program that if certain expectations are to be met that they coordinate with the privileges, rewards, and duties of the band program.
YOU have the primary responsibility of developing your own abilities. The benefits of a good instrument and private instruction can never be underestimated. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. The director is ALWAYS available for your guidance and encouragement – just ask!
The Union County School District provides us with the resources for rehearsals, performances, and some equipment. The Band Aid Club also provides a support network, both financially and philosophically. We have the responsibility to provide the best possible service to our community.
Music has always been a part of our culture. We must take what we have and use it for the betterment of that culture. No one expects virtuoso musicians, only your very best! The great composer Gustav Mahler once said that only 10% of a piece of music is on the page. If that is the case, then we as musicians have the duty of creating and producing the other 90%. The joy of music is not in everything that is apparent. It must be discovered and created.
We must always do what is best for the WELFARE of the group. There can be no selfish acts solely for the benefit of the individual, but for all. Respect each other. If there are conflicts, find a way to resolve them. Never insult another band member’s integrity. The word “band” means that we are banded together and that there is no separation or discourse. Sometimes, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.