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Parent’s Responsibility to the Band

It is the responsibility of every parent and guardian to see that the policies outlined in the HANDBOOK are followed and that the handbook form is signed and returned. This states that you UNDERSTAND the policies as set within, and that any questions are to be addressed with the band director by making an appointment. Each parent IS responsible for the attendance of their child at all band functions. It is the responsibility of each parent to see that their child practices his/her instrument daily. The hands of the directors are tied without the help of parents.


How Can Parents Help?

When a “band question” arises, it is important that you get factual information before discussing it with others. We do more harm to ourselves, the band family, when we talk about things that contain one or more “falsehoods” but consider them facts. If questions arise, it is important to remember this axiom: If it is a performance issue or anything dealing with the band proper, contact Mr. Candler or Mr. Terry. If it is a fundraising question or anything dealing with parent volunteer issues, talk with the booster club president.


Here are a few other things parents can do to help:

  • Show an interest in the music study of your child.

  • Take woodwind instruments to the shop once a year for maintenance.

  • Find a quiet place where he/she can practice without interruption.

  • Stay current on your “fair share.”

  • Help the student keep a DAILY RECORD of practicing.

  • Come up with a reward system for DAILY practice.

  • Keep the instrument in good repair and keep at least three reeds in the case (saxophones and clarinets)

  • Purchase a metronome and tuner!

  • Be extra-careful with school-owned instruments. Repair costs are high!

  • Teach your child to be prepared and on time to each rehearsal or lesson.

  • Provide private instruction.

  • Make faithful attendance at all band activities important.

  • Buy your child a personal planner for marking important dates.

  • Keep the Handbook in a safe place and refer to it often.

  • Notify the teacher if the student is to be absent for rehearsals or lessons.

  • Visit rehearsals occasionally.

  • Attend booster meetings, concerts, games, and contests.

  • Turn in fundraising money on time.

  • If your child is a brass player, ask them when was the last time they gave their horn a bath.


Stay Connected


Remind is used by the entire school to allow teachers to notify students and parents of any upcoming assignments, tests, events, etc. The following codes will allow you to sign in to the band remind.

6th grade - Text @smstb6 to 81010

7th grade - Text @smstb7 to 81010

8th grade - Text @smstb8 to 81010

Office Hours

The band director may be reached at the following times:

Check the band website -

or by appointment


Email and Remind are preferred but you may leave a voicemail on the band room phone. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for the director to respond. or

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