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Every year the South Carolina Band Director's Association hosts six region band clinics throughout the state in order to give high achieving band students a chance to compete for selection in their region honor band. Sims 7th and 8th grade band students are encouraged every year to audition for the SC Region 6 Honor Band. Those students are expected to attend after school practice sessions and receive private lessons. (Lessons are not required but highly encouraged) Auditions are held in early January at Woodruff High School. Transportation will be provided for students if needed. Students who are selected are then invited to attend the Region Honor Band Clinic in mid-February. This clinic involves a Friday (all day) rehearsal as well as a Saturday morning rehearsal and performance. Typically this clinic takes place in Spartanburg, SC. Students will be provided transportation to and from the clinic. The following links provide all the resources that students will need to pass their audition. (Scales and terms must be memorized)

Solo Recordings
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